söndag 11 januari 2009


Well it could be classy and all that stuff but in the end it'll be as glamorous as snuff.
And you eat something called vegemite and live like an eremite though you could afford a house and a car and you should know that dough like that could take you far.
Get a Fouetté right and you would win that fight. And if you get into a mess then do anything but stress.
So why save your cash if you spend them on things that turn into ash. Do you want a definition, maybe a direction?
Figure that out then give me call. I'll give you the formula for avoiding the fall.
If you work hard enough and all the time it'll be boring when you could be home in your bed snoring. Well your the owner of the cash just wanted to be sure you don't spend it on trash.

Ingen stencil denna gång.